Title: Happy To Be One of The Masse (utsnitt)
Duration: 04'54 min. (seamless loop)
Happy To Be One of The Masse (year?)
Video (color, sound), 4’54 min.
Can you write something short about this video?
The work directs criticism at the integration debate in Norway, where the question of identity was often reduced to a word; for eks. Norwegian or Kurdish. I felt sorry for the well-integrated immigrants who were swept up in the debate and tried as hard as they could to get into the warmth of Norwegianness and said: we have become Norwegian: we eat brunost (a type of Norwegian goat cheese that is brown and sweet ), Smalahove (which is a sheep's head made in the Norwegian way) Tran (fish oil) ... etc
Title: Happy To Be One of The Masse (utsnitt)
Duration: 04'54 min. (seamless loop)
Happy To Be One of The Masse (year?)
Video (color, sound), 4’54 min.
Can you write something short about this video?
The work directs criticism at the integration debate in Norway, where the question of identity was often reduced to a word; for eks. Norwegian or Kurdish. I felt sorry for the well-integrated immigrants who were swept up in the debate and tried as hard as they could to get into the warmth of Norwegianness and said: we have become Norwegian: we eat brunost (a type of Norwegian goat cheese that is brown and sweet ), Smalahove (which is a sheep's head made in the Norwegian way) Tran (fish oil) ... etc